Song: Piggy
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Page

At the end of this song you can just adlib it, I havent found a real
'pattern' in it, so have a blast. It is all done on a electronic drum on
the album, but live they use real live drums.


SD=Snare Drum
CH=Closed Hi-hat
FS=Finger Snap
CC=Crash Cymbal
LT=Low Tom
s =Double Speed Note (8th)

       Intro (no distortion)
T   Issx-Issx-Issx-Issx-I
SD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
CH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
FS  I-x--I-x--I-x--I-x--I

         Chorus (Plenty o' distortion)
T   Issx-Issx-Issx-Issx-I
SD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
CH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
FS  I-x--I-x--I-x--I-x--I

        Hey Pig... (whole sounding distortion)
T   Issx-Issx-Issx-Issx-I
SD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
CH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
FS  I-x--I-x--I-x--I-x--I

   Nothing can stop me now....
T   Issx-Issx-Issx-Issx-I
SD  Ix-x-Ixxx-Ix-x-Ixxx-I
CH  Ixxx-Ixxx-Ixxx-Ixxx-I

           Solo before ending
T   IsxxxIsxxxIsxxxI
SD  I----I-xxxI----I
LT  I----I----Ix---I
CC  I----I----I-x--I

Song: Heresy
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Tab Page


Easy as pie! usually the closed hi-hat is an electronic drum loop, but if
its not than its as easy as getting a rottweiler through a keyhole... hehe
Choruses (god is dead....) are the same as verse one.


HT= Distorted High Tom (hey, its distorted if you know FOR A FACT
 that its not, e-mail me {} and i'll fix it.)
DLT= Distorted Low Tom
CH = Closed Hi-Hat
HH = Open Hi-Hat
LT = Low Tom
SN = Stomping Noise
SB = Sleigh Bells (ho-ho)

s = Double speed note (8th)
o = off beat (between the -- the periods
   First Verse (no CH first four measures [first line])
DLT  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
DHT  I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI
CH   IssssIssssIssssIssssI

Second Verse (no CH first four measures [first line])
DLT  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
DHT  I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI
LT   IssssIssssIssssIssssI
CH   IooooIooooIooooIooooI
HH   I----I--xxI----I--xxI

Bridge (before guitar solo) (SB slowly fades in) (SN slowly fades out)
SN   IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI
CH   IssssIssssIssssIssssI
SB   IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI

Song: March of the Pigs
Tabbed by: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

    "March of the Pigs"
hmm... tricky!


SD = Snare (Drum)
BD = Bass (Drum)
LT = Floor Tom
OH = Open Hi-hat


 Verses (step right up...)

SD  I--x-I--x-I--x-I----I<--******I--x-I--x-I--x-I--x-I
BD  Ix---Ix--xI-x--Ix---IRepeat 2xIx---Ix--xI-x--Ix---I
OH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix---I<--******Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
LT  I----I----I----Ix---I<--******I----I----I----I----I

 Chorus (all the pigs are all lined up....)

BD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I


Song Structure:

Part 1 (8x)
Part 2 (16x)
Part 1 (6x)
Part 2 (14x)


Song: Closer
Tabbed by: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs


This song has a pretty basic beat, you should be able to get the pattern
quickly and easily.

Code :
OOH = Open Hi-hat
LT = Low Tom
BD = Bass Drum
o = offbeat note; between the <--- the periods

     Intro to chorus (Help me...) (You can...)
OH IooooIooooIooooIooooI

     Chorus  (I wanna....)
OH IooooIooooIooooIooooI
LT I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI
BD Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I

That's pretty much it. Have Fun.

Song: Ruiner
Tabbed by: Slacks
For: The Nothing Records Drum Archive


This one's pretty simple. Most of the beats are the same. It's pretty easy once you get the basic beat down.

D = Snare (Drum)
BD = Bass (Drum)
HT = High tom
MT = Mid tom
LT = Low Tom
CH = Closed Hi-Hat
OH = Open Hi-Hat
TH = Tightly Closed hi-hat
RC = Ride Cymbal

 Part 1

SD  I----Ix---I----Ix---I----Ix---I----Ix---I
BD  Ix--xI---xIx-x-I---xIx--xI---xIx-x-I-x-xI
TH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix--xIx-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I

 Part 2

SD  I----Ix---I----Ix---I----Ix---I----Ix---I
BD  Ix--xI---xIx-x-I---xIx--xI---xIx-x-I-x-xI
OH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I

 Part 3

SD  I----I----Ix---I----I
BD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I

 Part 4

BD  Ix--xI---xIx-x-I---xIx--xI---xIx-x-I-x-xI
HH  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix---Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix---I
OH  I----I----I----I--x-I----I----I----I--x-I

 Fill 1

SD  Ix-x-Ix---I----I----I----I----I----I----I
T1  I----I----Ix-x-Ix---I----I----I----I----I
T2  I----I----I----I----Ix-x-Ix---I----I----I
FT  I----I----I----I----I----I----Ix-x-Ix---I
BD  I----I--x-I----I--x-I----I--x-I----I--x-I

 Part 5

SD  I----Ix---I----Ix---I
BD  Ix--xI---xIxx-xI-x-xI
RC  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I

 Fill 2

SD  I----I--x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ixx--I----I
T1  I----I----I----I----I----I----I--x-I----I
T2  I----I----I----I----I----I----I----Ix---I
FT  I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I--x-I
BD  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I


Song: I do not want this
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Tab Page

                                "I do not want this"

Kinda hard, but you'll get used to it...


SD = Snare Drum
RS = Ride Cymbal (distorted)
s  = Double speed note (8th)

 The whole frickin' song!
SD Is-s-Ixs-sI-xs-Is-sxI
RS I-s-sI--s-Is--sI-s--I

It may sound different in some spots, but use your natural filter
(in your head) and you will se that it is a differnt key part or
guitar part or maybe the dis. has increased or decreased.

Song: Big Man with a gun
Tabbed by: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

    "Big Man With a Gun"

No oral sex here..... umm nevermind.


SD = Snare (Drum)
BD = Bass (Drum)


 Part 1

SD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
BD  I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI----I

 Fill 1

SD  Ix---Ix---IxxxxIxxxxI
BD  I-x-xI-x-xIx-x-Ix-x-I


Song Structure:

Part 1 (31x)
Fill 1
Part 1 (8x)


Song: Eraser
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: The Nothing Records Drum Archive


This song has a pretty steady rhythm, once you get used to it... this may
be a little off, but i'm sure you can fix it if you notice an error...

SD - Snare Drum
MT - Mid tom
LT - Low tom

note: the beginning of this song is done with a generic plastic straw, try
this in burger king, and all nin fans (if any) gasp with fright.

SD I--xI--xI---I
MT I---I---I-x-I
LT Ixx-Ixx-Ix-xI

Yep, thats it, repeat it a few hundred times and you will be done, in the
music video Chris Vrenna does some adlibbing before Trent says "need you."

Song: Reptile
Tabbed by: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

This song is kinda close to Eraser in some aspects. Sorry for the lack of
captial I's (measure breaks) it has funny timing.
LT - Low tom
SD - High Tom
BD - Bass Drum
s  - Double speed note (8th)
LT Ixx-s---x-xI
SD I--x-xxx-s-I
BD I-----x-x-xI
that's pretty much it, there is tiny differences in the chorus, but not big
enough to tab.

Song: Hurt
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs
This song barely got tabbed out, the only reason it was done is because i
got bored and had to tab it out because its not a synth part, and there are
drums in the song.


Code :
D = Bass Drum
MT = Mid Tom
LT = Low Tom
T = Tamborine


        just some parts (got bored and added it)
T   Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I

 Chorus (you can have it all...)
MT  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
LT  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I
BD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
