Song: Head Like a Hole
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

                                "Head Like a Hole"

For this song, there is two drum parts, one's real live drums, and the other
is electronic drums, played in some odd fashion (not worth tabbing). Kinda
easy, you'll get used to it.

SD = Snare Drum
BD = Bass Drum
s  = Double speed note (8th)


SD I----xI----sI----xI----ssI  (don't blame me for the funny timing,
BD Ixxxx-Ixxxx-Ixxxx-Ixxxs--I   thats how it goes.)

        Verses (god money....)

SD  I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-xssI
BD  Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-Ix-x-I

        Chorus (Head Like a Hole...)
SD  I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI
BD  IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI

Song: Terrible Lie
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

                                "Terrible Lie"
Track two in Pretty Hate Machine... Ahh, i love the classics

SD = Snare Drum
BD = Bass Drum
LT = Low Tom
MT = Mid Tom

      The Song.

SD  Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
LT  I--x-I--x-I--x-I--x-I
BD  I----I-x--I----I-x--I

       Chorus has little variation form the rest of the song, just some
extra parts but no added pieces.

Song: Down in it
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

                                "Down in it"
This song swings from Tab One to Tab Two every change in vocals, so have fun

SD = Snare Drum
BD = Bass Drum
s  = Double speed note (8th)
      Tab one

SD  I---xI---xI---xI---xI
BD  Isx--Is-s-Isx--Is-s-I

      Tab two
SD  I---xI--xxI---xI--xxI
BD  IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI

Song: Sanctified
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

Now heres a basic beat....

BD = Bass Drum
CH  = Closed Hi-hat
s  = Double speed note (8th)

The song in its wholeness.

BD   IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI
CH   IssssIssssIssssIssssI

Song: Kinda I Want To
Tabbed by: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

    "Kinda I Want To"

The only non-synth drum part in this here song is the solo from "Down in it"
the second track from the same Pretty Hate Machine album that this song is
on. Even though it is from Down in it, i will put it on this mini-page too.
I copied and pasted to put this here. The drum part pops in halfway through
the solo, so be careful when your toying around.


D = Snare Drum
BD = Bass Drum
s  = Double speed note (8th)
        Here it is.
SD  I---xI---xI---xI---xI
BD  Isx--Is-s-Isx--Is-s-I

Song: Sin
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

This song has kinda a weird/easy pattern, i think my 7 year old cousin could
play it....


HT = High Tom
MT  = Mid Tom
LT  = Low Tom
s  = Double speed note (8th)
 on and off through the song, no others though
HT   Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
MT   I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI
LT   I--x-I--x-I--x-I--x-I

Song: The Only Time
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

                                "The Only Time"
This song swings back and forth between the bridges and chorus.

BD = Bass Drum
MT  = Mid Tom
SD  = Snare Drum
s  = Double speed note (8th)
         Bridges & Intro
BD   Ix---Ix---Ix---Ix---I
MT   I--x-I--x-I--x-I--x-I

         Chorus (maybe i'm all messed up...)
BD   Ix-s-Ix-x-Ix-s-Ix-x-I
SD   I-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI-x-xI

Song: Ringfinger
Tabbed By: Slacks
For: Slacks Nothing Tabs

kinda easy... play it kinda slow, or listen to the CD before you play it.

BD = Bass Drum
MT  = Mid Tom
s  = Double speed note (8th)
BD   IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI
         Chorus (if you could...)
BD   IxxxxIxxxxIxxxxIxxxxI
MT   IssssIssssIssssIssssI